
Showing posts from November, 2020


 I’m gonna write a western I decided. It seems to be a dying genre, and I kind of want to contribute to it somehow. It used to be engrained in American entertainment, books, especially television and movies. I think the last western movie was the 3:10 To Yuma remake maybe 10 or 15 years ago, and the last tv series was Deadwood.  We don’t think much of westerns anymore, perhaps its a technology thing, we don’t want to see horses, and gun fights anymore, we want to see sci-if, and thrillers.  I know for myself I could watch or read any genre, if the story is interesting. And that might be the biggest problem, nobody is writing anything good anymore. But I think that’s a problem for every genre, not just westerns.  We need to come with good stories again. 


Apparently 2021 is ready proving to be a crazy year. I’ve decided to try and start a master’s program, but I’m also trying to finish doing some research for a couple of books before the year is out. Its good to have plans. A year ago I didn’t even have any idea where things were going. 2020 is sort of a year of wandering, and its good to see things cement themselves in a time or wacky turmoil. 

Let Them Be Kids

It’s irritating that the ex wants to use our kid as a spy. Don’t do this crap. Just let the kid make up their own minds about their parents.

A Rock

 I’m a big believer in making some kind of connection.  Especially these days, people don’t listen to what others are saying, or don’t reach others like we used to.  Relationships, and really most things these are superficial.  It’s difficult to find anything of substance, something thats genuine.  I try to have originality, or some kind of connection to whatever I’m interested in.  It makes things seem more real.  So I found a rock.  But this is just a prop.  But for me its going to be a part of story I’m writing.  I did this before with a lighter, and even had a name plate for a fictional character I wrote into a story.  These objects are of course just silly things, but it makes me think of things in ways I might not have before, and I can literally touch a piece of a world I’m making up.  It’s not any sort of mystical experience, but it does sort of stir up the imagination, and anything that gets the mind going is worth doing.