
I suppose we think about things when we have time to kill, when we have nothing better to do, or decide to reminisce.  Some people think about the past because of regret, or they want to remember easier times.  That’s part of the charm of it.  Times seem easier, people were less crazy, and you had less to worry about.  I think about the past a lot.  Not necessarily my own.  And that’s probably why we study things like history, or watch old movies.  Things seemed easier.  They seemed better in some regards.  I don’t think I listen to music made after 1990 at this point.  I don’t watch these new shows and movies that people go crazy for her, some of it is because I don’t care or it doesn’t seem interesting to me, but some of it is because there were better stories, and better actors.  They relied more of intuition, and less on technology. That’s not to say living now is all bad.  

We need to look back at some of the great feats of history, and realize that men were going into space seventy years ago and we think we’ve done something great if we keep up with our followers on social media.  What are we doing with ourselves?  I look back into the past all the time, sometimes its to examine all the things I’ve done wrong, sometimes to wonder at how humanity has gotten so far the way it has.  I can’t imagine anyone these days fighting the American Revolution, the Civil War, or World War 2 with the crop of people we’ve got now.  Some idiots think they’re fighting Nazis when they send a tweet, and some people couldn’t last ten minutes in a crisis.  People are so eager to sell their souls to be some kind of celebrity, and for what?  Humanity is not going to look back a hundred years from now, and remember the “great tweet” you sent out to some stranger over politics.  

We should seriously look at things. Yes it means look at the past.  Some people don’t want to think about it because it interferes with whatever it is they think about themselves or others, but we should.  We should wonder how people went from the wheel to indoor plumbing to the internet.  We should learn to appreciate things like art, and music and culture from the past, because frankly we aren’t making any now.  We think culture is turning on a streaming service and watching a show without commercials.  Even if you find you hate the past, you should at least consider why.  Are you better than they were as some enlightened individual?  Or are you just as important as they were?  You have all kinds of resources to look at achievement and failure, yet you’re too busy trying to figure out what to order from Door Dash.  That’s not to say things like Door Dash are bad, but consider your life and your place in history.  Look at music, philosophy, literature, and culture.  

If we learn to look at the past, even if its our own, we’ve done something wonderful because we’ve chosen to consider the things we’ve learned, or we’ve come to appreciate what came before.  Look beyond yourself, and you might find you’re either smaller than you think you are, or that there are things you want to do that can measure against the achievements of what came before.


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