
Showing posts from June, 2020

Alternate History

Everybody copies each other. I read a series of books, about a Civil War regiment, that gets sent to another world to fight aliens. What happens? A guy writes a series about a World War 2 ship that practically has the same thing happen to it. Another writer wrote a book about a guy who travels back in time to give the South blueprints to an automatic weapon to win the war. However another time traveller stops him. Years later another writer about a racist group who gives the South AK-47s to win the war, and they do, but the South frees the slaves anyway. Yet another was a series of novels that had America fighting not just the South, but England during the Civil War, and of course that idea was expanded by another author who had America fighting England and France as well as the South during the Civil War. The what if/alternate history genre is likely the one genre of writing that people copy or the ideas are so few that nobody really notices. Some of it also has to be because pe


I’m finding that people are finding things controversial that didn’t used to be considered that way. In either conducting my own research into politics, or just the daily nightmare of the national media, people try to make things controversial to get people to come over to their side. People themselves either don’t want to do any research into the simplest of topics, or are quick to label everything as “hate speech” so their opponents will have to be shut up. Frankly, we’re supposed to be the freest country in the world, and we can’t even come to terms to calmly and simply have open debate. I’ve never attended rallies, or anything like that, other than the arguments you might get in with family, or people online, I’m not in the political process that much but I’m working on something that should be fairly accepted by both sides of the aisle. I’ve been working on it for awhile, so I hope it does well. I think this is a sign too, people are being agitated, and taking to politics in way


There’s something to be said for saying busy. There’s a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world these day, and staying busy is a nice way to make sure you don’t get swallowed up by the craziness. The trick however is to find things you enjoy doing. If you don’t enjoy doing whatever hobby, job, or activity it is you’re doing, you’re not going to finish what you’re doing. I started taking online classes, and doing a lot of writing. It honestly, works about 99 percent of the time, because you still have to be engaged in the world, but honestly a little distraction from time to time is good.