
Showing posts from July, 2019

Dream Project

Suppose you had a dream project you were working, and you were pretty sure it would never be made or published...would you write it anyway?
What if?

Its Not World War 2

Perhaps the silliest thing as of late, is this idea that climate change is the new World War 2. Or better still that this current crop of politicians think they’re fighting “their World War 2.” First off, how absurd. Never mind it completely insults an entire generation of people who had to fight the most important war ever, it tries to equate a hoax with humanity’s greatest struggle. This whole idea that cow farts, and the car you use to go back and forth to work is making the weather change is rather...stupid.  This AOC chick is running around saying 96% of scientists agree climate change is real, its tough enough to get 96% of any group to agree on anything, and even if they did they wouldn’t resort to outlandish political name calling, and brute tactics. Or if that’s not enough for you, there’s always the whole “immigrants are being held in concentration camps” argument. That’s right illegal immigrants being held in facilities, because, well, they came here illegally, and you can